I've added a RSS feed to my site. RSS stands for 'really simple syndication' and it allows people to view my site as a 'feed' of information that can be piped into other programs beside your web browser.
So instead of typing in the website address to view my latest posts you can subscribe to the feed and view it in an application like Google Reader for example.
What's the advantage? Say you regularly read 10 websites. Instead of typing in each website and visiting it through your browser, you could subscribe to its RSS feed and then view just the content in Google Reader. This would allow you to quickly scan through 10 websites' worth of content in a single program without having to individually visit each website.
It can be a big time saver, so if you're interested you can click the 'Subscribe to my RSS Feed' link in the upper right of my page. Check out Google Reader too if you're interested.
Moving to a new electronic home...
10 years ago
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