As you most likely know, prostitution (the so-called "World's Oldest Profession) is illegal in America. This, however, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It does happen and with significant enough frequency to warrant media attention - especially when it involves celebrities or government officials like Mr. Spitzer.
In some other countries, prostitution is legal and regulated - Amsterdam's red light district comes to mind. I'm not going to research any stats comparing countries with legalized prostitution to America, but I'm sure they are out there.
Anyway, let's get to the point.
Point - America should legalize prostitution
Here I'll list some points in favor of legalizing prostitution.
1. Legalized and regulated prostitution would be safer for the customer and the client.
In terms of health, prostitutes could be required to get regular STD screenings in order to continue working. Likewise, customers would also need to pass a STD screening as well as be required to use protective equipment, such as condoms. General safety would also be enhanced - customers wouldn't have to worry about the prostitute robbing them or injuring them because they'd be background checked and government certified for their jobs. For the prostitutes, customers would also be screened for criminal histories, and could be required to divulge personal information for documentation purposes. Security could also be enhanced through the use of metal detectors and perhaps use of video surveillance.
I seem to have uncovered another issue in this discussion of safety - privacy. Obviously, prostitution is a very sticky subject, pun intended, and people generally don't like the public to know that they pay for sex. So if a customer was required to undergo these tests, divulge criminal and medical histories, and at the very least, identify themselves - this might act as a large deterrent for those who are either are ashamed to pay for sex or who care about what other people think about their behavior. The videotaping might be a little excessive, but that was the only means I could think of to monitor the mutual safety of a prostitute and a client while 'doing business'.
2. Legalized prostitution would reduce the number of occurrences of sexually motivated crimes.
Okay, so this is another massive can of worms I've opened. A lot of people say rape isn't about sex as much as it is about power or control. I can see why they'd say that but there definitely has to be some sexual motivation to it. If you're really just after power or control you could just kidnap someone or beat them up. I don't want to diverge from the main subject so let's get back on track.
So crimes such as sexual assault or rape occur because the criminal must satisfy some urge and chooses an unwilling victim as an outlet. Perhaps if prostitution was legal, this potential criminal would be able to find a willing partner to satisfy his/her needs before he/she has to take it by force.
Here's an analogy that might not be so great. A poor man needs money. He could rob someone and take their money...or he could go get a welfare check from the government. I'd say in most cases the poor man would take the more legal option.
Of course, perpetrators of sexual crimes aren't always just after sex. Maybe they're after violence, control, or domination - something that can't be always be obtained voluntarily.
However, I think the overall number of sexually-motivated crimes would decrease.
3. Safer sex practices would be more widely known.
If prostitutes are this tightly regulated, perhaps it will have an reciprocal effect on regular sexual relationships. People might think 'if these people are getting tested for STDs maybe we should too'. Awareness of safer sex would definitely increase.
4. Less relationships would be destroyed by infidelity.
Now note that I'm NOT saying legalized prostitution would decrease infidelity. The opposite argument could be made that it would increase infidelity. What I mean is that if someone is going to cheat (and the reason they cheat is they want sex) it's better than they cheat with some stranger, rather than someone they know, like a friend or neighbor. Sure, the spouse of the cheater is still hurt, but we've removed 1 person out of the love triangle. The prostitute has no standing relationship with the offended spouse and merely acts as an outlet. That's one less relationship that has to be destroyed in that messy situation. Often times infidelity happens with people both members of the couple know - a mutual friend, perhaps a relative. The fact that all 3 people have a relationship only make the situation more complicated.
Counterpoint - America should not legalize prostitution
1. Legalized prostitution would increase the risk of STDs and unwanted pregnancies.
Although above I mentioned that the prostitution regulations would require extensive health and background screenings, the mere fact that people would be having more sex with more people would increase the possibility for transmission of STDs and increase the risk for unwanted pregnancies.
2. Prostitution would diminish the significance of sex, making it an emotionless, mechanical act, done purely for physical sensations.
Today some people have sex merely for the reasons I stated above, but for many others sex is more than just a physical act. For people that love each other it's not only a physical bond, but an emotional bond. The wide availability of sex devoid of emotional attachments may devalue what is called 'making love'.
3. Legalizing prostitution would lead to more immoral behavior and de
Moving to a new electronic home...
10 years ago
1 comment:
I pretty much agree that prostition should be legal for all the reasons you mention as well as the fact that it could decrease general crime.
1 - if you required all this information from the sex customer, another underground prostitution ring would probably develop.
2 - there are current studies on the thought the increase in internet porn has help decrease the sexual motivated crime rate. this would agree with your theory
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