- I cannot stand to have greasy hands
- I wash my hands a lot due to greasy hands.
- I hate washing dishes.
- I haven't lifted weights in many months.
- I'm the same weight I was coming out of college.
- I still have clothes in my closet from middle school.
- I still fit in some of those clothes.
- I like dark chocolate more than non-dark chocolate.
- I used to live right across the street from the Reese's factory.
- It's pronounced REE-SIZZ, not REE-SEES
- I am a night owl who likes to wake up early.
- I almost always fail at the waking up early part.
- I have basic cable.
- I'm not paying an extra $20 to get ESPN.
- Fuck you Cablevision.
- One of the first things I do every day is turn on my computer.
- One of the last things I do every day is turn off my computer.
- I remember a time where I didn't have internet.
- My screenname pays homage to Tenacious D.
- Jack Black is a better singer than 95% of pop artists today.
- A guy at work looks just like Kyle Gass.
- My Chinese skills are decaying from a lack of use.
- This saddens me, but I can't do much about it without moving to Taiwan.
- While in Taiwan I was in an earthquake.
- I was watching True Lies at the time.
- Jamie Lee Curtis is a hermaphrodite, seriously, look it up.
- I participated in bullying when I was younger.
- But I never was involved in a fight, ever.
- I'm convinced my fingernails grow longer after a shower.
- Baths are nice but I end up spending about 10X the time in the bathroom and don't even get clean.
- I am very competitive.
- I get pissed off when I lose at basketball league even if I know I'm outsized, outmatched, etc.
- I get depressed when I lose, but it's pretty temporary.
- I wrestled in high school and even though I wasn't very good, I'm convinced I could take anyone in a street fight.
- Did I mention I've never been in a fight before?
- In high school I was once interested in eugenics, but only really for the shock value.
- I think fluorescent lighting looks bad, but it is energy efficient.
- I have a bad habit of eating late at night.
- It's probably because I stay up so late.
- Sumo wrestlers eat and then sleep immediately for maximum weight gain.
- For some reason people come to me for relationship advice even though I'm pretty inexperienced in that department.
- I've had the same haircut for the last 15 years.
- I can't part my hair.
- I used to look at myself in the mirror and think that I had a nice looking body, but not a nice looking face.
- That's really quite sad now that I think about it.
- I still don't think I'm especially winsome, but what can you do?
- Looks DO matter though. If someone says they don't, they're lying...unless they're blind.
- I don't like wine.
- I went to France for two weeks and hardly had more than a few glasses.
- I like beer now. Not IPA...not Guiness.
- I get severe Asian Glow syndrome.
- I never knew IKEA furniture was cheap.
- I think it looks pretty damn stylish.
- I really like yogurt.
- I've liked yogurt since I was a baby.
- I can't whistle or sing or snap my fingers well.
- I can't palm a basketball, but I can touch rim.
- When I was in high school I claimed I'd shave my head when I went to college.
- I never did.
- I had an internet girlfriend once (probably about 10 years ago)
- She was from Louisana supposedly.
- Chris Hansen did not walk into the room.
- I did not take a seat.
- I like animals.
- I had a pet rabbit named Carrot.
- Rabbits are boring so we gave him away.
- I also had a pet cat named Bailey.
- Bailey was run over by a car and died.
- I want a dog, probably a bulldog.
- Bulldogs have a lot of health problems.
- I rarely get sick.
- I believe in psychosomatics.
- I like the Houston Rockets and Detroit Pistons.
- Steelers. Period.
- I went to my first game in 2007 at the Meadowlands where the Steelers lost to the puny Jets.
- Some drunk Jets fan was elbowing me throughout the game.
- I used to write poetry in my dark high school days.
- I even wrote a poem in Spanish called 'Mundo Oscuro'.
- I once was pretty good at hacky sack.
- This was when I attended PGSAS in 2001.
- When I first found out I had to get glasses I cried like a little girl.
- I still hate wearing glasses.
- I want to get laser eye surgery.
- I think I'd enjoy a job removing barnacles from boat hulls.
- Don't touch the screen of my monitor.
- Wendy's has the best fast food.
- I've eaten 378 orders of chicken nuggets.
- Sweet and sour and honey mustard, please.
- I worked at Hersheypark in high school.
- I sold t-shirts in some shitty gazebo.
- The only good part was checking out the girls in their bikinis.
- Some girl once grabbed my ass while I was walking through the park and said 'You're number 5!'
- I made out with a girl named Misty.
- That was her real name.
- She was not a stripper.
- I require total darkness and silence to fall asleep.
- I've been told I snore.
- I don't like peeling shrimp.
- I haven't washed my car since I've bought it.
- My dad has washed it for me since I refused to.
- Bathrobes are awesome.
- I have a green Trek mountain bike.
- I've ridden it once in the last two years.
- I've been skiing twice in my life.
- Waterskiing is really hard.
- It hurts like a mother when you wipe out.
- I've never broken a bone or had surgery (unless you count wisdom teeth).
- When I was younger one of my goals was to never have surgery.
- I have very well defined biceps despite not working out.
- I enjoy cleaning out my bellybutton lint.
- I think my eyebrows make me look angry when I'm not.
- I have never smoked a cigarette in my life.
- I smoked a cigar one time.
- I once saw Officer Warlow (who taught my elementary school DARE class) smoking.
- I was traumatized.
- I like Japanese mayonnaise.
- I also like roasted eel.
- I drink a lot of water when I'm in my apartment.
- I stopped drinking out of the water fountains at work.
- Optical mice are amazing.
- I'm concerned about ergonomics.
- I thought about building my own desk.
- The tools I own are housed in a pink plastic case that originally held magic markers.
- I have a good phone sex voice (so I've been told.)
- I worked as a telephone reservations agent for Herco.
- Thank you for calling Hershey, this is Bob. How may I help you?
- Most people cannot pronounce my last name correctly or spell it.
- I am addicted to youtube and Wikipedia.
Moving to a new electronic home...
10 years ago
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