Hi. I haven't written here in over 6 months... In typical form, I build up enthusiasm for something over a short period of time and then it quickly diminishes to nothing. Well, for some reason I felt like writing again. Perhaps it's a good way for me to vent when no one is around to talk to.
You know, it was my birthday recently. I turned 24 which I guess compared to most people in the real world is rather young. However, more than a quarter of my life has expired, unless I live past 100. For all the education I've supposedly received I realize how little of it I retain.
I was going through a bunch of shit I have lying around in my apartment and it hit me how much of a packrat I've become. I have all these papers from college. I finally got around to weeding some of this stuff out and throwing it all in a big trashcan. Some of the papers have sensitive info so I'll probably end up drenching it in water rather than individually shred 6000 sheets of paper. Anyway, here I am...K-12, 4 years of college, blah blah blah and if you ask me about what truths I know for certain I don't have many.
1. The only true love I know is that from/for my family.
I'm not saying I don't believe true love can exist between two unrelated people, but at this point in my life I only know that the love between my family and I is permanent. NOTHING could destroy it. Period.
2. You can't sit back and wait for things to happen.
This applies to everything in life. Nothing will fall in your lap or be handed to you. If you want it, you have to get it. I wish I was more aggressive, but I'm not. I'm a bit of a wimp, but I'm trying to get better.
3. The motivation to work hard is infinitely more valuable than genius.
I am no genius. I took a IQ test when I was in 3rd grade and supposedly I got a high score. I was in the 'gifted' program throughout school. I was in the honors college at Penn State. I graduated with high distinction. I am not a genius. I believe I'm of average intelligence. Probably below average in mathematical abilities. For some reason I'm terrible at chemistry.
Anyway, I'd trade any shred of genius I have for drive. Once in awhile late at night I'll have an idea which seems pretty amazing at the time. But as I mentioned before, my interest in that lasts about 30 minutes and then it's gone. I have several papers with ideas for inventions, businesses scattered around my apartment but I've seldom acted upon them.
Those are all the truths I''ll write about for now. Nothing comes to mind easily.
On a plus note, I've managed to get myself in the habit of flossing daily. My dental hygienist will be most pleased. A long time ago I also got myself in the habit of brushing my tongue. It still occasionally triggers my gag reflex though. The key is to keep breathing while you're brushing your tongue. I think that way it tells your body you're not choking on anything.
My apartment is so strange. It's always so freaking hot. I have both windows in the living room open and the heat turned down (I think I turned the knob the right way) and I could walk around here in my underwear and work up a sweat while changing channels on the TV. It is nice to be able to wear shorts year round though. Thank god I don't have to pay for heat.
Oh, so I have two of these super efficient light bulbs that last for years and resemble pig tails. Supposedly if they break they'll leak mercury or something. So handle with care lest you want to mess up your brain.
My corn plant is on life support. It used to be lush and full of leaves now I'm doing to 3. Not sure what happened...maybe it ran out of nutrients. It's certainly not a lack of water. I suspected it might be lack of sunlight...but after moving it to a more illuminated spot it didn't seem to make a difference. I should get more plants to spruce up my spartan living room.
No, this is PLANT DEPOT!
Moving to a new electronic home...
10 years ago
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