Monday, September 1, 2008

Sarah, Palin and Tall

Recently John McCain unveiled his choice of Vice-President to the world in 44-year old Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin. Being a relative unknown on the national scene voters are just now getting to know the Republican Vice-President nominee. What are the real reasons you should support Palin?

Top 10 Reasons to Vote Sarah Palin for Presi...err, Vice-President.

1. Goes ice fishing, snowmobiling, owns a floatboat and ran a marathon once.

2. Eats hamburgers made from moose flesh.

Palin and her freshly shot caribou, which one day, may become a burger.

3. Is a mother of 5 (or a mother of 4 and grandmother of 1).

One/Two of Palin's kids.

4. Was runner-up in the Miss Alaska pageant AND Miss Congeniality.

A young Palin in 1984, showcasing her skills at being beautiful.

5. Believes in Creationism and that Earth was created in 6 days, 6000 years ago.

6. Smoked marijuana in the past, but didn't enjoy it.

7. Promises to shoot anyone who tries to have an abortion or a gay marriage.

Palin takes aim at some matrimonius homosexuals.

8. Names her kids after types of math.

Palin with her husband and newborn Trig. Their next kid is going to be named Geo.

9. Posed, fully clothed, for Vogue.

10. Is a smokin' hot MILF.

Palin in her office in Alaska, discussing her hotness.

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