i keep biting my lip by accident while chewing gum
i started wearing a watch in hopes of managing my time better
i realize i'm inefficient because i multitask so much...every transaction wastes valuable time
principle of aggregation...all those lost seconds, add up into minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, etc
i'm 50 pounds heavier than when i was in 10th grade, but i may be no stronger
not sure what it is but my typing abilities have gone to shit. theory: switching between typing on a laptop keyboard and a regular keyboard are to blame
i seem to be caught in the same loop of social deprivation i was in before i came back to school; it's just happening in a more socially-conducive environment now
i sweat so easily. it takes so little exertion for me to sweat.
i have horrible handwriting
i want control over my mind and body. i don't see myself as a body...rather i view myself more as a consciousness that is directing my body like a machine. i feel my strength of will should be able to overcome limitations my body may impose on me through feedback known as pain or fatigure.
i find myself desiring more control over my environment. the air i breath, the light i see, the sounds i hear, the security, what i put into my body, the way i feel.
Moving to a new electronic home...
10 years ago
Last paragraph is a bit creepy, but the second-to-last is better. I'd complement it with more social interaction if you can - these can be moments when you aren't a machine. It's refreshing to not be a machine sometimes. It may even defray your controlling obsession of the last paragraph.
yes, in a way i desire to be more machine like. at least in terms of efficiency, focus, and drive.
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