Saturday, May 19, 2007

We all can't be beautiful

By now I'm pretty sure no one reads this blog since I removed the link to it from my AIM profile.

I was just thinking about all the people in the world and how some people believe everyone at their very core is good and beautiful. I think this is a load of crap. We all can't be beautiful.

The thing that made me think of this was my recent experiences with online dating. Here you have a medium for people to post a picture of themselves and write all sorts of great things about what they are and what they are looking for. Much like infomercials, these posts usually can do no wrong. Everyone is attractive, intelligent, easy-going, humorous, moral, blah blah blah...

It just really seems like EVERYONE IS AWESOME! Ha, of course there's a reason people are on this site...and I'm going to venture a guess that at least for women if you are even mildly attractive you should have no problem getting men to ask you out.

Of course most people wouldn't write about their defects on a dating site but still it makes me wonder...if you think about yourself, no matter who you are, do you think you are a good person?

I think I am good person. I think I'm awesome...that everyone should have me as a friend. The problem is, I'm pretty sure everyone else thinks the same exact way. Think of the most despicable person you know. Chances are Satan thinks he's pretty rad.

Of course everyone's opinion of themselves is extremely biased by self-esteem. But of course the opinions that others have of you is totally different. So when people write about themselves it makes everyone seem so nice and rosy.

It always comes back to this relative bullshit, but it's true. Beauty is relative. If everyone in the world was beautiful there'd be no such thing as beauty.

The world is what it is because there are ugly people Dr. Phil. Man, that guy is ugly.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


I'm in basketball league right now and I play once a week if the weather is nice at the rec center after work.

I've thought about trying to increase my vertical jump for quite some time, but never did anything about it. I don't even know what kind of jump I have. I bet it's pretty 24 inches or something.

Anyway, I'm thinking of starting this pylometric exercise routine to get more hops. Maybe I could dunk? Haha....we'll see...first I need to get a baseline of what my vertical is.